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 2023 年中考英语热点话题解读+ 强化专练 点 热点 02 劳动教育进课堂

 2022 年秋季学期起,劳动课将正式成为中小学的一门独立课程。2022 年版义务教育阶段“新课标”显示,清洁与卫生、整理与收纳、烹饪与健康、农业生产劳作等任务,将分别贯穿不同年级段。小学生将被要求会炒西红柿鸡蛋,搞得了盆栽水产养殖等。

 此前,我国中小学就有劳动教育,不过一直存在被边缘化、弱化等问题。2015 年,教育部等部门发布《加强中小学劳动教育的意见》中就直指这一问题,提出劳动教育在学校中被弱化,在家庭中被软化,在社会中被淡化,中小学生劳动机会减少、劳动意识缺乏,出现了一些学生轻视劳动、不会劳动、不珍惜劳动成果的现象。小学生不会剥煮熟的鸡蛋、不会拿扫帚扫地,大学生让家长定期到校洗衣服、请家政公司来宿舍搞卫生……这样的报道频频引发社会热议。






 实现家长和社会对劳动教育的认知纠偏,需要深入推进教育评价改革。对照 2020 年发布的教育评价改革总体方案,或可将劳动教育评价作为探索教育评价改革的重要实践。评价学生是否上好劳动课,显然不应采取结果评价方式,进行所谓的劳动课考试,而应关注学生参加生产劳动、服务劳动的表现,重视学生对劳动的体验,进行写实性、过程性评价,将其纳入综合素质发展档案。学校和家长必须意识到,义务教育阶段必须重视学生的全面发展与核心素养培养,如此方能为孩子未来成长打下坚实的基础。

 相关话题拓展阅读 家庭教育:回归生活教育才更健康 家庭教育最重要的基础是家庭生活,家庭教育的中心是亲子互动。在家庭生活中,家庭成员通过互动增强家庭关系、完善家庭功能。家庭教育问题从根本上说是家庭生活的问题。






 1.劳动教育 labor education / education on the hard-working spirit

 例如:Through education on the hard-working spirit, students should acquire basic working capability for livelihood and individual development, and form good working habits.(通过劳动教育,学生应具备满足生存发展需要的基本劳动能力,形成良好劳动习惯。)


 acquire v. 学到;获得 working capability 劳动能力 livelihood n. 生存 individual development 个人发展 2.综合能力 comprehensive capability 3.素质教育 well-rounded education 4.教书育人 impart knowledge and cultivate people 5.要努力构建德智体美劳全面培养的教育体系,形成更高水平的人才培养体系。

 We should build an education system which comprehensively fosters the students" all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding with a hard-working spirit, in a bid to bring the country"s personnel fostering system to a higher level. 6.你们从小就要树立劳动光荣的观念,自己的事自己做,他人的事帮着做,公益的事争着做。

 You should respect and honor hard work. Do your own work and be willing to help others as well as the public. 7.劳动能唤起人的创造力。

 Labor can arouse people"s creativity. 8.不付出劳动就不会有收获。

 Do not pay labor will not reap. 9.只要靠劳动,大地最慷慨。

 As long as the labor, the earth"s most generous. 10.只有人的劳动才是神圣的。

 Only man"s labor is holy.


 Labor is the only road oriented knowledge. 12.不劳动者无法从中获得裨益。

 No workers cannot get benefits. 13.土地是财富之母,劳动是其父。

 Land is the mother of wealth and labor is the father. 14.珍视劳动,珍视人才,人才难得呀!

 Value work, cherish talents, talents is rare! 15.对劳动的爱是在社会上的人的美德。

 Love of labor is man"s virtue in society. 16.平民靠劳动糊口,贵人以地位为命。

 Civilians by labor, noble status for life. 17.劳动是财富之父,土地是财富之母。

 Labor is the father of wealth, land is the mother of wealth. 18.劳动的成果是所有果实中最甜美的。

 The results of labor is the sweetest fruit of all. 19.劳动使人心情开朗,劳动就是美德。

 Makes a person cheerful, labor is virtue.


 1 Can you cook? Recently, the Ministry of Education released the “Compulsory Education Labor curriculum standards (2022)” 《义务教育劳动课程标准(2022 版)》. Which formulated the students “Sorting and receiving (整理与收纳)”, “Household cleaning, cooking, home beautification and other daily life work” and other academic goals (目标). The standards will begin in September, 2022. Next term, we students will learn how to cook. We will learn how to cook 2-3 kinds of home-cooked dishes (家常菜), such as fried tomato with eggs, fried eggs and bone soup and so on. We should also take part in the whole process (过程) of choosing, washing, cooking and serving dishes.

 And we will also learn to design a nutritious diet for lunch or dinner according to our family needs.

 In a word, we must understand the relationship between different cooking methods and food nutrition. Are you excited? What do you think of it? You can e-mail us and tell us what you think. 1. What goals do the standards formulate the students? A. Sorting and receiving. B. Household cleaning, cooking, home beautification and other daily life work. C. Sorting and receiving, household cleaning, cooking, home beautification and other daily life work. D. Cooking. 2. When will the standards begin? A. From September, 2022. B. Tomorrow.

 C. Next week.

 D. Last year. 3. What kinds of home-cooked dishes should students learn in the standards? A. Fried tomato and eggs. B. Fried eggs. C. Bone soup. D. Fried tomato with eggs, fried eggs and bone soup. 4. What should the students also understand from the passage? A. The relationship between different cooking methods and food nutrition. B. How to cook. C. How to do sports. D. How to do their homework. 2 Do you know how to cook, clean or grow plants? If not, you will know soon. These will all be part of Chinese public education starting this fall. A new standard (标准) for labor (劳动) education recently came out. Students in primary and middle school will have at least one class a week to try and experience different kinds of labor and learn different life skills and even job skills. The standard includes different tasks for each grade. For example, fifth and sixth-graders learn to cook two or three common dishes, like fried eggs or scrambled eggs with tomato (番茄炒蛋). This move is to enrich Chinese students’ life and build their character through labor. Chinese school education didn’t pay enough attention (重视) to this in the past. According to a 2019 report, Chinese kids only do 12 minutes of practical activity each day, while US kids do 1.2 hours each day, China Daily reported.

 In addition to household skills, students will have a chance to try new technologies like 3D printing and laser cutting (激光切割). They will also learn to make traditional handicrafts (手工艺品). 5. The new standard shows different grades________. A. must do the same things B. have different tasks C. have at least one class a month D. try and experience all kinds of labor 6. What does the 2019 report means? A. American education is better than Chinese. B. Chinese kids isn’t good at practical activity. C. Chinese labor education is not good enough. D. The report of China Daily is not true. 7. What is the best title of this passage? A. Labor Education to Build Character B. Chinese Education and American Education. C. Chinese Public education Starting this Fall D. We should Pay Enough Attention to Cooking 3 ①I grew up in the countryside. I didn’t understand what it brought to me until I became an adult. It helped me learn more practical skills (实践技能) than those who grew up in cities. ②The first skill I learnt was cooking. Since my parents often came home late and a prepared meal would help them have supper soon, I learned to make dough (面团) at around 10 years old. It sounds easy but very difficult to do. However, it didn’t take too long for me to find the right way. A year after that, I learned to cook different things like nood...

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