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 2023 年中考英语热点话题解读+ 强化专练 点 热点 05 农民丰收节与粮食安全


 秋分时节,硕果累累。9 月 23 日,2022 中国农民丰收节杭州主场活动在桐庐县梅蓉村举行。





 值得一提的是,现场一系列杭州本土品牌农产品和品牌特色小吃,汇集成一场具有浓厚乡土气息的特色乡村集市秀。此外,作为杭州主场活动的关键一环,金秋消费季网上农博直播掀起了杭产品牌农产品的“丰收季”线上狂欢。杭州市农业农村局从 9 月 14 日至 30 日,在“网上农博”APP 及小程序上连续发放六期总额达 1000 万元的农产品专用消费券,提振消费活力,让更多的优质杭产农产品走入千家万户。

  近年来,杭州市“三农”工作取得了长足发展。2021 年,全市农林牧渔业总产值 503.56 亿元,农村居民人均可支配收入 4.27 万元,城乡居民人均可支配收入差距缩小到 1.75∶1,城乡均衡性走在全省全国前列。今年以来,农业生产平稳向好,粮食、蔬菜、生猪等均实现同比增长。美丽乡村品质提升,建成一批美丽乡村特色村、未来乡村、数字乡村,村民幸福生活宜居环境不断改善。强村富民活力显现,到今年底,西部山区 4 县将全部实现“5030”目标,东部地区 75%村集体经营性收入超过 100 万元。民生保障普惠共享,基本医保市级统筹全面做实,城乡居民养老保险保障水平大幅提升,农村义务教育学校标准化达标率 100%,全市城乡同质化供水覆盖率 99.57%,均居全省前列。







  作为世界第一大粮食生产国,中国用不足全球 9%的耕地、6%的淡水资源,生产出约占世界 1/4 的粮食,解决了全球 1/5 人口的吃饭问题,为中国和世界粮食安全做出巨大贡献。


  ——量质齐增,守住粮食安全底线。十年来,我国粮食和重要农产品供给稳定, 2021 年我国人均粮食占有量达到 483 公斤,高于国际公认的 400 公斤粮食安全线,做到了谷物基本自给、口粮绝对安全。棉油糖胶稳定发展,农产品质量安全例行监测合格率稳定在 97%以上,越来越多绿色优质农产品摆上百姓餐桌。

  ——创新驱动,迈上现代农业新台阶。十八大以来,各地区各部门坚持走内涵式现代农业发展道路,农业现代化建设迈上新台阶。目前,我国农作物耕种收综合机械化率超过 72%。小麦、玉米、水稻三大粮食作物耕种收综合机械化率分别超过 97%、90%和 85%,农机装备对粮食增产贡献率显著提高。

  此外,农技农艺不断升级,我国组建了 50 个国家现代农业产业技术体系,建成了 47 个国家重点实验室、100 个农业科学观测试验站,取得了节水抗旱小麦、超级稻等一批重大标志性成果,目前农业科技进步贡献率超 61%。

  ——优化产能,把握粮食安全主动权。十八大以来,我国农田有效灌溉面积占比超过 54%,累计建成 9 亿亩高标准农田。粮食作物良种基本实现了全覆盖,三大国家级育制种基地和 216 个制种大县、区域

 性良繁基地加快建设,农作物自主选育品种面积占比超过了 95%,良种在农业增产中的贡献率超过 45%。

  政策科技等齐发力,夯实了中国粮食安全之基。2021 年,中国粮食产量达到 13657 亿斤,比 2012年增产 11.5%,连续 7 年超过 1.3 万亿斤。

  农业农村部农情调度显示,截至 9 月 20 日,全国秋粮已收获 2.36 亿亩,完成 18.1%,进度同比快0.9 个百分点。全年粮食产量有望继续保持在 1.3 万亿斤以上,为端稳中国饭碗提供坚实支撑。(来源:人民网,2022-09-26)

 agriculture (farming) 农业 agricultural 农业的 land (soil) 土壤;土地 soil conservation 土壤保护 soil erosion 泥土流失 silt 粉砂,泥沙 clay 黏土,湿土 clod 土块 agrarian 土地的,农业的 pilot (experimental ) 试验性的 harrow( rake) 耙,耙土 ridge 田埂 furrow 犁沟 plot (patch)小块地 ranch 农场,牧场 plantation 种植园 orchard 果园 nursery 苗圃 seedbed 苗床 sickle 镰刀 spade 铲,锹 shovel (平头) 铲 Hoe 锄头 Iron 铁 Hammer 锤 pick 摘 tractor 拖拉机 cultivate (till) 耕作 sow(seed) 播种 harvest 收割 weed 除草 irrigate 灌溉 manure(fertilizer) 肥料 spray 喷洒(农药)

 insecticide(pesticide)杀虫剂 pest 害虫 rust 锈病 grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒 granary(grain store) 粮仓 mill 碾,磨 wheat 小麦 corn 玉米

 rice 大米 barley 大麦 sorghum 高粱 oats 燕麦 rye 黑麦 millet 粟,小米 vegetable 蔬菜 horticulture 园艺学 hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法

 greenhouse(glasshouse, hotbed) 温室 cabbage 洋白菜 lettuce 生菜 mustard 芥菜 spinach 菠菜 broccoli 花椰菜 cucumber 黄瓜 eggplant 茄子 pepper 辣椒 pumpkin 南瓜 tomato 西红柿 beet 甜菜 carrot 胡萝卜 radish 小红萝卜 pea 豌豆 soybean 大豆 celery 芹菜 garlic 大蒜 leek 韭菜 onion 洋葱头 potato 土豆 peanut 花生 sesame 芝麻 cotton 棉花 husbandry (animal husbandry) 畜牧业 pasture 牧场 livestock 家畜

 fowl (poultry) 家禽 cattle 牛,家畜 buffalo 野牛 dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛 dairy farm 乳牛场 hay (作饲料用)干草 haystack 干草堆 Strawberry 草莓 Blueberry 蓝莓 fodder (feed) 饲料


 1 Scientists have worked for more than twenty years to develop what they call Green Super Rice. The “Green” in Green Super Rice means environmentally (有关环境方面) friendly. “Super” means the rice can grow well in bad

 soil conditions and keep away insects and diseases. Researchers say it will produce at least as much grain as other rice plants but with fewer inputs. Modern rice plants produce two to three times more grain than what was possible before the 1960s. But they also require large amounts of water and chemical fertilizers. In the 1960s, scientists created crops that produced bigger harvests in what became known as the Green Revolution. It helped many people to get rid of hunger. But modern rice plants require too much water and too much use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides (杀虫剂) that can hurt the environment. And farmers may be too poor to buy these things to grow modern rice plant. The developers of Green Super Rice do not use genetic (基因的) engineering. In that way they avoid the high costs as well as the problems connected with getting permission to plant genetic crops. Anna McClung leads a rice-breeding (培育) center for the United States Agriculture Department. She praises the researchers working on Green Super Rice. But she also says that combining many different genes into one plant without genetic engineering requires a lot of plant breeding. The research is still going on. The researchers on the Green Super Rice project continue to help farmers produce more with less. 1. The scientists began on work on Green Super Rice ________. A. in the late 19th century B. in the early 20th century C. in the late 20th century D. in the early 21st century 2. The second paragraph tells us ________. A. the beginning of modern rice B. the advantages and disadvantages of modern rice C. the way of creating and growing modern rice D. modern rice and our everyday life 3. Genetic engineering isn’t used to develop Green Super Rice because ________. A. doing so can reduce the costs B. it requires lots of water to do so C. the technology isn’t perfect D. this kind of rice doesn’t need it 4. About the Green Super Rice, Anna McClung thinks ________ . A. the researchers should use genetic engineering B. different genes should be combined into more than one plant C. we needn’t develop Green Super Rice D. it is not easy to develop Green Super Rice 5. The main difference between modern rice and Green Super Rice is ________.

 A. modern rice is better for the environment B. Green Super Rice is better for the environment C. modern rice is much more important than Green Super Rice D. Green Super Rice doesn’t taste delicious 2 Technology and sustainability(可持续性) are two driving forces in the world today. For the agriculture department, sustainable agriculture technology must be the new trend, and farmers should follow it. The following sustainable agriculture technologies are necessary. Smart irrigation Crops need water—that’s needless to say. However, how they get water is another story. With smart irrigation technology, water can be put to good use. New irrigation systems with smart technology can report soil moisture(湿度) and temperature in real time. These new technologies help farmers properly take care of crops in a more efficient way. For example, most crops have specific requirements for temperature and moisture. The new irrigation systems can show farmers whether they need to make changes for their crops’ growing environments. In this way, they may help reduce the waste of water. Drones Drones’ abilities get them a place on this list. They can do a lot and most importantly, they can make the boring and tiring farm work much easier. These devices have high-definition cameras that take pictures and videos. Through wireless control, just at home farmers can fly the drones over the fields and check on crops. If one area of crops isn’t doing well, farmers can quickly record the details and then spray chemicals with the help of the drones. Data and software Data is rich in this tech-driven world. Farming and data working together can greatly change the way farmers plant, harvest and water. As computers gather information, they report it all back to a central system. So when farmers learn in which area crop health needs to improve, they can use water and fertilizer(肥料) more efficiently, causing less waste. The three technologies are helpful for farmers to sa...

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